- For the 2023 season AVR are planning a major upgrade of the actuation method of the ACC digging unit’s depth control mechanism
- With the All Conditions Control digging unit, users can harvest either using diabolos or using probes, i.e. without exerting any pressure on the ridge
The control technology responsible for depth control when harvesting using probes was thoroughly reviewed and as a result control is now more accurate, which means the digging unit, and as a consequence the whole machine, is extremely stable during operation.
The control performs well under all circumstances with manual intervention no longer necessary.
A more precise control also improves the harvesting quality. A potato harvester’s performance is largely determined by an accurate harvesting depth. Harvesting should not be too deep, nor should it be too shallow. The less soil that enters the harvester, the less processing is required. This means less load on the machine, resulting in a higher harvesting speed, less wear and a lower fuel consumption per hectare.
Each Puma 4.0 is equipped with the necessary modules for machine connectivity which customers can register for free at connect.avr.be.
AVR Connect is an online reporting tool for all machine activities and an online repository for both on- and off-field machine data. AVR Connect offers users more data, and as a result a more effective use of machines and resources.
The pre-installed unit (with SIM card) collects data and transmits it wirelessly and in real time via the internet to the AVR Connect platform. The platform visualizes the data in a comprehensible way. Users can monitor machines remotely, and there are also options for remote diagnosis.
AVR also offers an optional Trimble NAV900 GPS sphere ex-factory and AVR offers precision GPS ex-factory, including a 1 year RTX precision subscription.
The Puma’s fuel consumption is very low thanks to its efficient Volvo engine, a sophisticated hydraulic system, a lightweight construction and large tire sizes. Looking at the average consumption per engine hour (of all connected Puma 4.0s, 27.6 l/h is the average for the 2022 harvesting season.