A passion for precision farming or “farming precisely” was the inspiration for Chris Eglington and Matt Kealey to launch Crop Angel Limited. Chris is a forward thinking arable farmer and Matt a qualified agronomist and commercial director within the agrochemical development industry.
The pair recognized a need for accurate aerial applications of crop protection products, micro-nutrients and seeds. They have secured exclusive supply positions with many of the multi-national R&D companies and will soon be launching their own range of bespoke, aerially approved products specifically developed for use with their fleet of approved agricultural UAV’s (drones).
Coupling data generated from aerial UAV maps or enhanced satellite images with their UAV sprayers and applicators, the Crop Angel vision is the essence of precision farming. Reduced agrochemical usage, reduced operator exposure, reduced power and machinery costs, reduce impact on soil structure, the environmental benefits alone are considerable.
Formed in April 2016, Crop Angel is the first company to introduce UAV sprayers in to the UK. They have since secured exclusive and semi-exclusive marketing positions with two of the leading global UAV manufacturers. Working closely with respected research organizations and government bodies they expect to be commercializing in the first quarter of 2017.
The company will be offering franchise opportunities for interested parties and the successful franchisees will receive the following:
A ready to fly UAV along with the spares and technical support.
CAA commercial training and qualification along with the appropriate operator’s manual.
Industry required training and qualification to apply crop protection products aerially.
Supply of cost effective Crop Angel branded approved products.
In house training on the safe handling and usage of crop protection products.
One to one in house training on agronomy and best farm practice.
Full technical/commercial and agronomic back up service.
Extensive lead generation from the website and regional marketing campaigns.
Crop Angel with be at this year’s Crop Tec show.